Lead Fundraiser

    Toms role is to help identify potential sources of funders and work with the team to write and submit applications. He is also leading on the development of our individual giving programme. The aim is to ensure we can maintain our current work and build capacity to do even more in the future. Tom works as Senior Producer at Counterpoints Arts where his role includes supporting artists and organisations with project development and fundraising, as well as programming events, performances and festivals.


    Welfare Support Officer

    Sara is a Higher Education professional and Yoga Teacher who is passionate about the wellbeing of all those she works with. She has volunteered with the Red Cross Young Refugee Services for the past seven years as caseworker, project volunteer and yoga teacher. Sara joined the Compass Team as the Welfare Support Officer in October 2021 and is responsible for ensuring Compass’s young people have access to the support they need as they transition and integrate into life in the UK.


    Compass Connect Co-Ordinator

    Sasha is a movement director and teacher graduating from The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama’s MA Movement course. She Co-founded Compass alongside Leah and Mhairi in 2018, since then she has worked on numerous Compass projects. Now an associate of the company she will continue to represent Compass in Glasgow.

    Sasha’s practise has a strong core in community and ensemble which exists in all the work she makes and collaborates on. She believes this is a strong way to connect a company of actors and the perfect base to work from when working with a group from many different backgrounds and cultures. Sasha is interested in landscapes and architecture and how these live in the body. The focus of her work is the integration of culture, nature, knowledge and experiences.


    Youth`Board Coordinator

    Sanam is a poet and activist who strives to use her creativity for social justice. She likes to explore her gender, sexuality and ethnicity through drawing, writing and a lot of talking. Throughout her political science studies and her internship at Minority Rights or UN Women, she kept volunteering with refugees and asylum seekers. She wrote words of revolution with refugees in Switzerland. She wrote words of poetry with refugees in London. She is still to find the words with refugees in Morocco. At times she gets dragged into projects and her words turn cardboard constructions and demonstration. In her free evenings, she makes fesenjoon and cycles through the city for a chat and a friendly tea.


    Communications and Social Media Officer

    Bo takes control of all things Social Media at Compass, coming on board all projects and working alongside the Youth Board.

    Having graduated in Media and Documentary, she enjoys filmmaking and believes in the power of creating positive social change through storytelling and creative arts.

    When not working, you’ll find her cycling around the city to see her friends, making meals for her housemates or at the cinema, if you have any great film recommendation, send them her way!


    Facilitator & Connect English Teacher

    Ben has been with Compass since 2020 as a facilitator and English teacher. He trained as an actor at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland after completing a BA in Chinese and French. Having witnessed the importance of language acquisition for both confidence and creativity, Ben decided to pursue a TEFL qualification to better understand language learning strategies.

    When Ben’s not working you can find him enjoying long bike rides and walking up hills.


    Creative Facilitator & Connect English Teacher

    Andrew is an Educator, Actor, and Art Facilitator. He is passionate about exploring the self and potentials of social justice through accessible art forms. Working through alternative and critical pedagogy, He designs and executes workshop programmes for youth and adults, focusing primarily on refugees, asylum seekers and people with migrant backgrounds in the Uk and globally.

    When he finds an opportunity, you would find Andrew absorbing sunlight somewhere, playing Darabuka, Cajun, or drumming basically on anything. He loves being on the road, hitchhiking, and sharing knowledge with strangers in different places around the globe. Holds an MA International Studies and Diplomacy at SOAS University of London and a BA Political science at Cairo University


    Creative Facilitator & Connect English Teacher

    Anna-Sophia grew up in an international family and has always been captivated by traditions from her own cultures, and folklore from around the world. She graduated from Rose Bruford Drama School in 2014 with a BA (hons) in European Theatre Arts.

    Anna-Sophia sings Bulgarian Folklore, performing with Nusha Choir directed by Neli Andreeva, and Chemerika Choir directed by Sofia Yaneva. She Co-Founded Sedenkya, hosting Bulgarian singing residencies and masterclasses with Gergana Dimitrova, for singers from all over the world to celebrate, interpret and, pass on this vibrant music.

    Anna-Sophia has been a facilitator with Compass Collective since 2023 and is delighted to be supporting brilliant young people, building confidence with their English as they integrate into the UK.